Blog 9. Is regulation a dirty word?

Imposed ideology?

Regulation is not always an imposition of political ideology.  Most regulation is adopted by governmental agencies such as a city planning commission or the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), supposedly away from elected bodies like city councils, state legislatures, and congress. Regulation– from speed limits to barber licenses or pollution control– is theoretically free from partisan ideology.  That’s a nice theory, but a myth.

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Blog 7. Briefcase-carrying bureaucrats

A friend wrote, “…I have soured on what can really be done. The EPA and the state Environment Department are easily bought out… .”  Sounds like a rabid tree-hugging environmentalist.  Actually, I think he votes with the conservative cause.

Citizens are everywhere discouraged, feeling that their governmental agencies and the people in those agencies lack integrity. “Briefcase-carrying bureaucrats” Continue reading

Blog 6. The RCRA exemption, an emergent phenomenon?

 The RCRA exemption: an example.

RCRA (reckra) exemption? Sounds like the Shawshank Redemption. But this is no movie. It’s a story with few evil villains and handsome heroes, but plenty of villainy and heroic struggle. It’s an illustration of how a self-destructive behavior emerges in our supposedly-free society. Continue reading

Blog 5. Fracking

What’s fracking?

With the expansion of drilling for natural gas in New York through Ohio, the Dakotas, Wyoming, and the southwest, the term “fracking” (or fracing) appears repeatedly—but incompletely—in the news. Fracking means hydraulic fracturing of an oil or natural gas well, but it seems the news media is fractured, delivering incomplete stories. Continue reading

Blog 4. Governing by reality

Reality or ideology?

Why is it that laws, regulations, and governmental policies are rarely formed according to the reality of the situation?  Rather, a person, interest group, or party creates political pressure and financial rewards for a particular action.  Is that why each action creates another problem?  Certainly, each new law, regulation or policy creates new interactions among the actors in a complex system—and that’s more complexity. (See Blog 3.)  I’m not a Libertarian; I don’t advocate erasure of most laws solely as a matter of principle.  However, I do advocate looking before leaping, assessing real causes before applying ideal solutions.  Let’s consider three diverse examples. Continue reading