Blog 65. Ambiguities of Experience

My neighbor, James G. March, wrote a little book entitled The Ambiguities of Experience*.  March is emeritus professor in the departments of business, political science, and sociology at Stanford University. Continue reading

Blog 64. New rigor in education?

New research in education actually looks not only at test scores, but uses technologies of videos and eyeball-detection hardware to compile data on when kids pay attention and how learning takes place. But there are also other, more political, movements to reform public education. Continue reading

Blog 62. Conspiracy theories—making politics crazy.

As reported in  Scientific American (Dec. 2014) two political scientists* at the University of Miami find that about one-third of Americans believe Obama is a foreigner, and about as many believe that the 9/11 terrorist attacks were an “inside job” by the Bush administration.  Continue reading