A Harvard authority explains that cockroaches have been around for three hundred million years. Those bugs will probably still be around cleaning up the mess long after we humans have put ourselves out of existence. Continue reading
Blog Posts and Writings Tagged: violence
Blog 103. Are we terrorizing ourselves?
There’s a social science of terrorism. Science News magazine* devoted a special article to the research of anthropologist Scott Atran** of the University of Michigan. Atran has been on the battlefields of ISIS, Continue reading
Blog 101. What terrorism isn’t
The nation seems caught in a fear of terrorism because fear makes good political sound bytes. Stoke their fear and you’ve got their votes. Continue reading
Blog 100. Why the attack ads?
Why do TV and political flyers feature attack ads? Why won’t a candidate just tell me what he/she intends to do, rather than to assassinate the opposition? Continue reading
Blog 81. What makes humans human?
I’ve been observing how our practice of religion, and our practice of political beliefs, are often more of a social nature than developed from an evaluated philosophy. Continue reading
Blog 79. 60 Million Refugees and IDPs
The New York Times (6/18/2015) article cites the United Nations with the headline: “60 Million People Fleeing Chaotic Lands, U.N. Says.” Continue reading
Blog 66. America’s Unreal Ideals
Among industrial nations, America is unusual, perhaps totally unique. So says political scientist John Kindgon in his small book, America the Unusual. Continue reading
Blog 61. Making sense of mayhem in Ferguson
What happened in Ferguson, Missouri? And is this important to the nation? Continue reading