Today, the adjectives “conservative” and “liberal” imply an identity group. However, at one time, the term “conservative” implied following authority, applying principles presumed to be tried-and-true. The term “liberal” implied questioning and testing. Continue reading
Blog 139. American Angst Part 7 of 7: Synopsis
The main function of government is to protect the commons—those things that maintain and benefit society as a whole. That’s law and order. Continue reading
Blog 138. American Angst Part 6 of 7: Relieving angst in a complex system
The daily TV news sustains the angst in America,* but unlike the repetitive TV news, the situation isn’t hopeless.
The known science of complex systems indicates the route to remedy: alter the rules of interaction among the players. Continue reading
Blog 137. American Angst Part 5 of 7: Our Social Rules
Other than continual foreign wars and the changing climate, is there a reason why Americans feel individually distressed and socially anxious? Yes. We’re threatened by each other. We each feel we’ve got to beat the competition, join a group, and distrust everyone else. Continue reading
Blog 136. American Angst Part 4 of 7: Sliding into Fascism
America is split many ways: the divide between rich and poor,(1) educated versus uneducated, the elite versus the common person. We’re beset by a self-perpetuating crime and poverty in the bottom economic class because those individuals justifiably feel hopeless. It’s the middle classes that should be hopeful, Continue reading
Blog 135. American Angst Part 3 of 7: Engineered Inequality
America has greater inequality than any other advanced country.[1]
Among the advanced countries of the world, America has the greatest wealth, but also the greatest inequality in wealth. The U.S. ranks 27th out of 27 high-income countries in median wealth per adult. The top 1% took home 22% of all income in 2015. Continue reading
Blog 134. American Angst Part 2 of 7: Alienation of the Individual
Individuals feel angry, frustrated, isolated, abandoned by their society, offended by immigrants, and threatened by political ideologues who want to take over. The stores are big-box: you don’t buy your shoes or your shampoo with assistance from a friendly sales person. Your only safe conversation seems to be with Siri on your cell phone. Continue reading
Blog 133. American Angst Part 1 of 7: State of the Nation
America exhibits a widespread anxiety, uneasiness, dread, fear, insecurity, foreboding—or even rebellion—against some poorly defined process. Whatever it is, Americans fear it is taking over. Continue reading