Blog 143. Blaming the consequences of climate

We experience events, not the global situation, but the world seems simpler if we can trace each event to a cause. However, within a complex system, an event cannot be ascribed to a unique “cause.” Birds flock and fish school and the stock market tumbles due to the many interactions among the participating individuals. Continue reading

Blog 138. American Angst Part 6 of 7: Relieving angst in a complex system

The daily TV news sustains the angst in America,* but unlike the repetitive TV news, the situation isn’t hopeless.

The known science of complex systems indicates the route to remedy: alter the rules of interaction among the players. Continue reading

Blog 137. American Angst Part 5 of 7: Our Social Rules

Other than continual foreign wars and the changing climate, is there a reason why Americans feel individually distressed and socially anxious? Yes. We’re threatened by each other. We each feel we’ve got to beat the competition, join a group, and distrust everyone else. Continue reading

Blog 68. Ball, the Crazy Prospector

It’s time for a lighthearted story—but one with a purpose, of course.

Back in the 1940’s, when I was growing up in a San Luis Valley in southern Colorado, a retired forest ranger named Darley occasionally took me into some of his favorite haunts, Continue reading