Blog 45. The flow of information and misinformation

The big headline above a 26 column-inch editorial says,

Climate change threat is overblown.

This is in the newspaper of the most science-centered town of the nation?  Well, some accounts claim Los Alamos has more science Ph.D.s per unit population than anywhere else. Continue reading

Blog 44. Big consequences of singular events

As suggested in the previous two blogs, the magnitude of a social calamity (or good fortune) that arises from a single event depends on how we react to the event,  more than on the event itself.  Now really, do I assert that the outcome of hurricane Sandy depended on our reactions more than the blast of wind and deluge of water? Continue reading

Blog 42. Cyber (and other) security and responsibility

During the recent week, Charlie Rose (PBS) interviewed Peter Singer, author of a new book entitled Cybersecurity and Cyberwar: What Everyone Needs to Know.  The book deals with infiltration, theft, and disruption via digital communications, particularly the internet. Continue reading

Blog 30. The Movie Inequality for All


The Movie:  Inequality for All

When it comes to your theater, don’t miss it.

Robert Reich is a professor who teaches public policy at the University of California, Berkeley. He was President Clinton’s Secretary of Labor. Now he’s also the witty star of an entertaining new film released this week to theaters across the country. The film was directed by Jacob Kornbluth.

In earlier blogs of this sequence, I outlined how the society and the economy are complex systems—and how, if you want to change a complex system, you must adjust one or more of the rules by which it operates. Reich expands on this in regard to the increasing disparity of wealth in our economy. Continue reading