Why indeed? For a nation, the benefit of having a nuclear weapon comes from not using it. Continue reading
Blog Posts and Writings Tagged: nuclear
Blog 129. Did the Russians Hack This Site?
Subscribers may wonder why no blogs have arrived by email during the last two months. One reason: perhaps Russians hacked this site! Continue reading
Blog 125. What do you fear most?
Fear has always been the strongest motivation for uniting people, but Americans are now divided by fear. Fear of what? Continue reading
Blog 114. Dirty bombs and panic words
Stimulated by the press, a few colleagues told me of their concerns with dirty bombs delivered by terrorists. Whoa, let’s look at whether that risk means massive deaths or just monstrous mess. Continue reading
Blog 111. Nuclear Paranoia
Seeing the term “nuclear paranoia,” you might think of hostile countries that are developing nuclear weapons—such as Iran or North Korea. But the term applies closer to home. Continue reading
Blog 44. Big consequences of singular events
As suggested in the previous two blogs, the magnitude of a social calamity (or good fortune) that arises from a single event depends on how we react to the event, more than on the event itself. Now really, do I assert that the outcome of hurricane Sandy depended on our reactions more than the blast of wind and deluge of water? Continue reading