The concept of “clean coal” has been newsworthy for a decade or more. In 2009, Senators John Kerry (D-MS) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) co-authored an op-ed in the New York Times, promoting renewable energy, nuclear energy, and “clean coal.” Presidential candidate Trump touted “clean coal” during a debate. Can coal, the dirtiest of fossil fuels, ever be made clean? That’s seems as likely as senators of opposing parties learning to talk to each other again. Continue reading
Blog Posts and Writings Tagged: politics
Blog 106. Can we govern ourselves?
The U.S. struggles to act as the world’s policeman, but we can’t help others unless they can govern themselves.
The crucial question is: Can we govern ourselves?
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Blog 105. What trickles down?
President Reagan proposed that it’s ok for the rich to get richer because wealth would “trickle down” to the poor. That doesn’t seem to have worked well, but something else does trickle down. Culture. Continue reading
Blog 103. Are we terrorizing ourselves?
There’s a social science of terrorism. Science News magazine* devoted a special article to the research of anthropologist Scott Atran** of the University of Michigan. Atran has been on the battlefields of ISIS, Continue reading
Blog 102. Media fairness is phony
In the June 21-27 issue of The Nation magazine,* journalism professor Eric Alderman says America has been “badly served” by the format of the media he calls “phony both sides.” Continue reading
Blog 101. What terrorism isn’t
The nation seems caught in a fear of terrorism because fear makes good political sound bytes. Stoke their fear and you’ve got their votes. Continue reading
Blog 100. Why the attack ads?
Why do TV and political flyers feature attack ads? Why won’t a candidate just tell me what he/she intends to do, rather than to assassinate the opposition? Continue reading
Blog 99. Why can’t I make a difference?
As best I can tell, satisfaction comes from accomplishing something we regard as useful and meaningful. That seems to be true, whether you are a scientist, entrepreneur, gardener, or Mafia hit man. Most of us want to make a difference. We want to believe we’ve altered something for what we regard as the better. To assert our importance, we erect large monuments in graveyards Continue reading