Fear has always been the strongest motivation for uniting people, but Americans are now divided by fear. Fear of what? Continue reading
Blog 124. Telling lies in public
Headline April 22,2017: March for Science:
Protesters gather worldwide to support ‘evidence.’ (CNN)
Scientists lobbying for funds? No. Continue reading
Blog 123. Is a flat tax freedom?
A flat tax is advertised as the “freedom tax,” in which everyone pays taxes at a fixed marginal rate—such as 10%. Salaried workers pay by withholding from each paycheck, and never have to submit a tax return. It sounds good because it’s simple, but is it good? Continue reading
Blog 122. What’s driving us crazy?
I hear folks complain that the overload of information and change is driving us crazy. A phone call used to be a rare interruption. Now, even robo calls “reach out and touch someone.” Continue reading
Blog 121. How old is a fossil?
A Harvard authority explains that cockroaches have been around for three hundred million years. Those bugs will probably still be around cleaning up the mess long after we humans have put ourselves out of existence. Continue reading
Blog 120. Whimsical growth
A kindly subscriber heard me telling this tale, and suggested the following outrageous story be offered for public amusement here. What happens if something doubles every day? Continue reading
Blog 119. Arctic ice, blue lies, and echo chambers
Why does climate denial flourish despite the evident facts of melting polar ice and the increasing blanket of greenhouse gases? Logic isn’t the answer.
Blog 118. Can Arctic Ice Cool Your Cocktail?
How come the scientific news seems flooded (as it were) by the melting of arctic ice? After all, is the arctic really melting? Should we believe all of the alarm over a little cold water? Let’s look at the data. Continue reading