Fear has always been the strongest motivation for uniting people, but Americans are now divided by fear. Fear of what? Continue reading
Blog Posts and Writings Tagged: Conservative
Blog 124. Telling lies in public
Headline April 22,2017: March for Science:
Protesters gather worldwide to support ‘evidence.’ (CNN)
Scientists lobbying for funds? No. Continue reading
Blog 106. Can we govern ourselves?
The U.S. struggles to act as the world’s policeman, but we can’t help others unless they can govern themselves.
The crucial question is: Can we govern ourselves?
Continue reading
Blog 105. What trickles down?
President Reagan proposed that it’s ok for the rich to get richer because wealth would “trickle down” to the poor. That doesn’t seem to have worked well, but something else does trickle down. Culture. Continue reading
Blog 102. Media fairness is phony
In the June 21-27 issue of The Nation magazine,* journalism professor Eric Alderman says America has been “badly served” by the format of the media he calls “phony both sides.” Continue reading
Blog 101. What terrorism isn’t
The nation seems caught in a fear of terrorism because fear makes good political sound bytes. Stoke their fear and you’ve got their votes. Continue reading
Blog 94. Explaining America to Martians (and to ourselves)
I detect an anxiety in America, a palpable tension that has no single focus, that has no one definable cause and no single remedy. If I met a Martian, or even another American, I couldn’t explain it with a single sentence. Continue reading
Blog 93. How to make a supreme outrage
The American social consciousness now resonates with outrageous proposals. Continue reading